The small things

Today, I woke up early to do Kitty makeup for my 5 yr old. When I woke him up, he complained that the sun wasn't up so neither was he. At the mention of doing his kitty makeup, he was suddenly bright eyed and bushy tailed.

We got dressed and walked to the bus stop. It was early enough to still be dark. The leaves have fallen almost entirely off the trees, they've dried out and become crunchy underfoot, and the scent of them is strong in the nose. Even though my kiddos was excitedly pulling at my hand to go see his friends, I took a moment.

I stood int he chill, but not cold air, and inhaled the aroma of fall. I shuffled my feet and heard the scritch-scratch and crunch. I listened to the neighborhood waking up. I was content. The only thing that could have made it better was a cup of hot coffee in my hand.

I've not added photos to this post because I want to evoke the other senses with my experience, plus it was too dark to take photos...


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