Life Preserver

Have you ever been given a task, or attempted a class where the information you're given is vague and unhelpful, and when you ask for help you're treated like you're totally incompetent?

I've had bad professors, I've had hard classes, and I've experienced topics that I straight out didn't understand, no matter how hard I tried (Geology anyone?). But I've never been made to feel as stupid as I'm feeling in this class for WordPress web development. I feel like I'm thrashing in the ocean, and I've been thrown a beach ball as a life preserver.

And when I ask for help, I'm shot down and condescended. I'm slipping off my beach ball, it feels like it'll rocket out from under me. I'm tired of treading water. There is no lecture, and no direction, so there are no notes to take, and therefore, no notes to review.

The worst part of it all, the professor has said I can turn in the incorrect or late work up to 7 days past the due date, then locked all information on the assignment, and the ability to submit.

I'm not an idiot. I'm not lazy. I just want to learn, and I'm struggling. Can you toss me a line?!?!?


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