Creative Chaos

As I sat in a dimly lit room last night, fighting off the worst migraine I've had in some time, lamenting that my medications were downstairs in the car, and knowing I couldn't handle the pain of going downstairs, I had a thought. 

A crochet pattern.

And my brain wouldn't give up on it. I HAD to do something about it. RIGHT. THIS. SECOND. Despite the pain.

So today, as I look at the finished hat, and the scribbled and barely legible notebook, I'm reminded that some people thrive in creative chaos. 

Should I have just slept through it? Maybe just jotted down a quick couple of notes to remind me in the morning? Probably, but what came out of it was a hat design I love, that isn't quite so plain as I've been doing. 

It also got me thinking about all the times I crocheted or doodled through my classes, and despite the constant fidgeting, I still managed to be fully involved in conversations and understand the concepts well enough to reflect higher than normal test scores. It got me thinking about how many others are failing their classes, or being diagnosed with ADHD and other learning disabilities when really, they just needed to engage their creative mind in order to utilize their more analytical mind?

I found this humorous and very intellectual video on Youtube, it's from the line of TED talks available there, and it hit a cord with me. Please watch, and let me know what you think in the comments. 


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