New to me

We've struggled financially for years, barely holding it together. But we keep getting small breaks that will eventually come together to be financial stability, then financial success.

Today, we made the choice to purchase a refurbished computer for my work. I do 3 jobs, and I have been using my husband's computer, which isn't designed to carry the weight of 2 active profiles. I'd type a paragraph, and 30 seconds later, it was still in the 3rd word. It was time for a change.

I spend upwards of 10 hours a day on the computer between my jobs, not including Netflix while I crochet. I wonder how much of that time is spent waiting for the computer to catch up with me?

But the most irritating part of the transition is having to go through and remember or reset all of my passwords. Everything was saved to the old computer, and now, I'm having to resave all the passwords for 3 different forms of employment. Soon to be 4 different forms.

But I like challenges, and I like opportunities. I appreciate having the opportunity to have a good working computer to do my work. I appreciate the opportunity to work hard from home to serve my clients and take care of my family.

What are you thankful for?


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