I think an introduction is in order.
I am Echo. I am a mom of two amazing little boys, who shall be called Big C and Little C. Big C is nearly 3, and Little C is 10 months as of today. I am also a very lucky wife of a very hardworking man. He does everything he can to make sure that his family is healthy, happy, and safe. Sometimes that means working crazy stupid hours, and picking up side jobs to pay the bills. Sometimes that means taking on added stresses because his wife (thats me) has this crazy creative side that can not be suppressed. I am a crochet designer, and a chronic DIYer. I enjoy cooking and baking, but I'm not always good at it, and my recipes sometimes take some... adjusting. I'm human, I'm going to make mistakes, I'm going to have hard days, and in this blog I'll chronicle it all - the good, the bad, and the tasty!
Now, down to the knitty gritty. The reason for this adventure.
I have for about 10 years suffered from chronic migraines, The triggers have always been mostly non-food related. Hormones and stress were the most common triggers, but also (the only food trigger) aspartame.
I have for about 6 years dealt with anxiety disorder and panic attacks. The first was triggered from a stressful work environment coupled with my dog running away and my car being stolen in the same day. This was about 4 months before I got married, so I was also planning a wedding. Since that incident, I've had at least one panic attack every couple of months, and panic attacks trigger migraines.
When I was pregnant with my oldest, I was in a severe car wreck. I was rear ended at 16 weeks by a 2011 Toyota Camry at 45 MPH when I was at a complete stop in traffic. The resulting stress caused, you guessed it, a panic attack.
When I was 12 weeks pregnant with my youngest, I slipped on the ice and broke my left foot in 3 places across the arch. Juggling a hubby who's schedule had him working from 10pm to 6 am, then sleeping until 2 pm every day and a toddler who got into everything was one of the most stressful and painful times in my life.
Then came the cherry on the top of the stress cake of the year. We lost our home when I was 39 weeks pregnant and ended up moving in with my in-laws. Without throwing anyone under the bus, I'll say it was an unhappy and unhealthy situation that we endured for 10 months. Last Friday, we finally got our own place again, We are slowly but surely getting back on our collective feet. It's been a long and hard journey, but it's one I'm ready to embark upon.
Currently, I'm attending an online education program to get my Oregon Real Estate License, and I'm selling my crochet creations to make a little extra income for my family. In this blog, I'll post creations (and links to get them for yourself) as well as recipes and resources, funny things that my kids do or say to brighten my day, and the ups and downs of this path I've chosen to take.
During the last 3 years, I achieved my highest and unhealthiest weight, and have suffered self image issues, confidence issues, and depression. During 2013, Hubby was introduced to a controversial diet. When he described it, people were revolted, asking questions like "do you want to have a heart attack?" "don't you think that much fat is unhealthy?" "You should eat more veggies and bread, you need carbs!" During the course of his 6 months on this new diet, his cholesterol levels went where they needed to be, his doctor was amazed at the progress of his blood lipid tests, his hypoglycemia was completely under control, he no longer got shaky and cranky when he didn't eat every four hours. And the best part of it, he lost almost 65lbs. and started the couch to 5k program. He felt healthier, and lost 2 pant sizes, and 2 shirt sizes.
Upon moving into our new home, we decided that it was time to return to healthy. While understanding that kids DO need carbs to grow, we aren't totally outlawing them in our home, and meals will still be prepped with breads and pastas for the kids, but with low carb alternatives for ourselves. Together, we will adjust to the Ketogenic Diet. You can join us, or you can watch us. Either way support us. We have SCIENCE on our side!
Start weight: 215lbs (BMI 34.7)
Goal weight 145lbs (BMI 23.4)
Now, down to the knitty gritty. The reason for this adventure.
I have for about 10 years suffered from chronic migraines, The triggers have always been mostly non-food related. Hormones and stress were the most common triggers, but also (the only food trigger) aspartame.
I have for about 6 years dealt with anxiety disorder and panic attacks. The first was triggered from a stressful work environment coupled with my dog running away and my car being stolen in the same day. This was about 4 months before I got married, so I was also planning a wedding. Since that incident, I've had at least one panic attack every couple of months, and panic attacks trigger migraines.
When I was pregnant with my oldest, I was in a severe car wreck. I was rear ended at 16 weeks by a 2011 Toyota Camry at 45 MPH when I was at a complete stop in traffic. The resulting stress caused, you guessed it, a panic attack.
When I was 12 weeks pregnant with my youngest, I slipped on the ice and broke my left foot in 3 places across the arch. Juggling a hubby who's schedule had him working from 10pm to 6 am, then sleeping until 2 pm every day and a toddler who got into everything was one of the most stressful and painful times in my life.
Then came the cherry on the top of the stress cake of the year. We lost our home when I was 39 weeks pregnant and ended up moving in with my in-laws. Without throwing anyone under the bus, I'll say it was an unhappy and unhealthy situation that we endured for 10 months. Last Friday, we finally got our own place again, We are slowly but surely getting back on our collective feet. It's been a long and hard journey, but it's one I'm ready to embark upon.
Currently, I'm attending an online education program to get my Oregon Real Estate License, and I'm selling my crochet creations to make a little extra income for my family. In this blog, I'll post creations (and links to get them for yourself) as well as recipes and resources, funny things that my kids do or say to brighten my day, and the ups and downs of this path I've chosen to take.
During the last 3 years, I achieved my highest and unhealthiest weight, and have suffered self image issues, confidence issues, and depression. During 2013, Hubby was introduced to a controversial diet. When he described it, people were revolted, asking questions like "do you want to have a heart attack?" "don't you think that much fat is unhealthy?" "You should eat more veggies and bread, you need carbs!" During the course of his 6 months on this new diet, his cholesterol levels went where they needed to be, his doctor was amazed at the progress of his blood lipid tests, his hypoglycemia was completely under control, he no longer got shaky and cranky when he didn't eat every four hours. And the best part of it, he lost almost 65lbs. and started the couch to 5k program. He felt healthier, and lost 2 pant sizes, and 2 shirt sizes.
Upon moving into our new home, we decided that it was time to return to healthy. While understanding that kids DO need carbs to grow, we aren't totally outlawing them in our home, and meals will still be prepped with breads and pastas for the kids, but with low carb alternatives for ourselves. Together, we will adjust to the Ketogenic Diet. You can join us, or you can watch us. Either way support us. We have SCIENCE on our side!
Start weight: 215lbs (BMI 34.7)
Goal weight 145lbs (BMI 23.4)
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