
Showing posts from November, 2017

6teen - seventeen - 18

Thankful for my health. It's not always in the best shape, but I'm able to work enough to support and raise my family, which is more than a lot of people have. Thankful for great deals, sales and coupons make my life, and lives of my family. Thankful for good rain, and quiet fog. The weather that most people dread ease the chaos in my mind, and put my heart at peace.

Thirteen - 4teen - Fifteen

Thankful for Tough days as a mom, they remind me how wonderful the good days are. Thankful for Omara's (or Baileys) when added to hot cocoa. It helps me unwind after one of the previously mentioned tough days. Thankful for friends and family supporting my passions in crafting and writing .

Ten - Eleven - 12

Thankful for Great opportunity Thankful for simplicity Thankful for Coffee

Seven Eight Nine

Thankful for bad puns. "...because Seven Ate Nine....." Thankful for local entertainment resources that offer annual memberships, like the Oregon Museum of Science . Thankful for great friends who can help me unwind over dinner and crafting, even in the middle of their own hustle and bustle.

Four Five Six

I know I ramble on a lot about mental health, but it shows how important it is. I've been in a less than ideal place in my mind for years, and this year, after the persistent insistence of my husband, I took a "me vacation". I stayed at a beautiful 14 room hotel called the Seaside Oceanfront Inn . While I was there, I asked about the history of the place.   The property started out as a family cabin on the beach with a set of duplexes on the back end of the property. In the 80's a fire destroyed the cabin, and rather than rebuild a family residence in the middle of a now fully developed hospitality-focused business area, they chose to rebuild it as a bed and breakfast. Over the course of the build, the four-story building became more than it was originally supposed to be. The family divorced and sold the partially competed Inn to new owners. They completed the build and turned the lowest level into " Maggies on the Prom " and fine dining restaurant ...


My little thinker. He's most often found tinkering and does "independent play" well. This mister is my little engineer in the making. He's quiet (mostly) and thoughtful. And a joy every day. Thankful.


My dear sweet first born. Pure and constant emotional depths. This little boy made me a mom and created a new person of me. I may find deep frustration in his behavior and attitude. But really, it's just because he's bullheaded like me. I am thankful for him every day!


My rock. The love of my life, and my tether to sanity. My anchor in the storm of life. I love you!